Solar Panels

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Balcony Solar Panels

Discover the power of the sun with Engel solar panels!

Our balcony solar panel kits are the ideal solution for harnessing solar energy efficiently and sustainably.
Designed to be self-installable, they simply plug into the socket and start generating your own electricity to power devices.
Available in 400W and 800W power ratings, they come in both rigid and flexible versions, so you can choose the option that best suits your needs and space.

Discover the power of the sun with Engel solar panels!

Our balcony solar panel kits are the ideal solution for harnessing solar energy efficiently and sustainably.
Designed to be self-installable, they simply plug into the socket and start generating your own electricity to power devices.
Available in 400W and 800W power ratings, they come in both rigid and flexible versions, so you can choose the option that best suits your needs and space.

Perfect for your balcony, a caravan or even a mountain cabin.
These systems include an inverter and an advanced charge controller that optimizes solar energy collection, protecting your batteries against overcharging and deep discharge.
With IP67 water resistance and all the necessary accessories for easy, tool-free installation. Assemble your solar panel kit in just 15 minutes.
In addition, you will be able to monitor in real time the energy production through an APP.

Take the first step towards a greener and more self-sufficient life and start enjoying the benefits of solar energy today!


Current Inverters for Solar Panels

If you already have a solar panel installation that stores energy in a 12VDC battery, as is often the case at mobilehomes or campers,
you will need a 230VDC inverter to use your devices and appliances with the usual plugs. Find DH Electro inverters available.

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