Great store. Will be my favorite in the future. Sent quickly. All items are brand new sealed. And the prices are very nice. Separately, I want to thank Álex Guerra, who controlled my order from start to finish. In general, you are great!!
Thank you for the service. Absolutely top
Great comms. Very helpful and reliable all along
Order placed packaged well, dispatch and delivered promptly Would use again. Thank you
42/5000 the best team, both human and technical
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Charging Station for Electric Vehicles
Explore our innovative range of electric vehicle chargers, specially designed for home and residential charging points.
All our models include your free app that makes it easy to control and manage charging at user level.
Most electric vehicles can be charged using a single-phase power supply;
however, some high-end models require three-phase power to reach their maximum charging speed.
We offer both single-phase and three-phase chargers, adapted to a variety of environments and charging needs.
If you are a professional installer, log in to your account to access the available prices and remember, if you have any questions you can contact us via whastapp.
Optimize the Charging of Your Electric Vehicle
Installing a charging point for electric vehicles has never been easier and safer.
As an installer you must ensure efficient connectivity between the charging point and the home's internet network to maximize the functionality of our equipment.
Whether you choose a single-phase charger for everyday use or a three-phase charger for fast charging, our selection guarantees optimal performance for your needs.
We explain the differences betweem them:
Single Phase Chargers
- Simple Installation and Maintenance: Our single-phase chargers are easy to install and require low maintenance.
- Efficient Charging: They offer power up to 7.2 kW, ideal for everyday electric vehicle use.
- Versatility: These models are perfect for most electric vehicles, as most of them can be charged using a single-phase power supply.
Three-phase chargers
- Fast Charging: A plus for those who require fast charging in their high-end vehicles.
- Compatibility: Three-phase chargers often offer the option of single-phase charging as well.
- Commercial Use: Ideal for commercial environments, these chargers offer power ratings in the range of 11kW, some up to 22 kW.
- Superior Efficiency: They allow charging electric vehicles in considerably reduced times, which is ideal for fleets or intensive users.
Raedian Innovation
Invest in a more sustainable and efficient future today!
RAEDIAN models are equipped with an ammeter clamp that measures the electric current used.
This technology allows the charger to adjust itself to the contracted power, using only the energy not consumed at home to charge the vehicle.
This prevents the electricity supplier's automatic meter from tripping and cutting off the supply due to excess consumption, and ensures an uninterrupted charging experience.
Innovación Raedian
¡Invierte en un futuro más sostenible y eficiente hoy mismo!
Los están equipados con una pinza amperimétrica que mide la corriente utilizada en la vivienda.
Esta tecnología permite que el cargador se ajuste de manera inteligente a la potencia contratada, utilizando únicamente la energía no consumida para cargar el vehículo.
De esta manera se evita que el contador automático del proveedor eléctrico se dispare y corte el suministro por exceso de consumo, y se asegura una experiencia de carga sin interrupciones.
Why Choose an Electric Charger with eSim?
Raedian also offers the possibility of installing a model equipped with eSim technology, which guarantees a secure and continuous Internet connection through an integrated SIM card, eliminating the need for WiFi connectivity or physical SIM cards.