Databox Management and Monitoring of Network Equipment
Databox Management and Monitoring of Network Equipment 768801 Televes
With this device it will be very easy for you to manage your network as an administrator. You will be able to intuitively monitor, search and solve problems in a centralized way.
Indicated in GPON Point-Multipoint network systems and 1000Base-X Point-to-Point networks.
Databox is a solution with flexible alert systems, which you can install on a Linux operating system, with a manager-agent architecture, which makes it easy to use and, best of all, does not overload the network. This device will allow you to plan the growth of your network without complications. Devices to be managed only need to include an SNMP agent.
Some of the functions it incorporates are:
*Displays running processes.
*Manage system log files.
*Edit network interface configuration files.
*Add firewall rules.
*Set the time zone and system clock.
It can be mounted in 1U 19” rack cabinets.