DTT-UHF TV Antennas

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Buy outdoor DTT antennas

The TV antennas designed for DTT (Digital Terrestrial Television) incorporate in its design the most modern technology that gives you the best possible reception to watch TV without problems. Among the features to highlight are that they are compact and water resistant. In addition, Televes DTT antennas are cheap and can be installed both on walls and on a mast thanks to the kit of screws and plugs.

They have an adjustable base to ensure better signal reception. They are weather and UV resistant and have a built-in amplifier.

In addition to all these features, the prices of TV antennas are cheap and affordable for all budgets.

Buy a cheap and quality DTT antenna in our store and you will notice the difference.

Outdoor DTT antennas

Low gain or low pickup antennas (less than 13dB): These antennas are suitable in areas close to the signal repeater, where the signal reaching the antenna site is very good and with an antenna of this type can be captured perfectly with adequate levels.

Medium gain or medium pickup antennas (14dB to 16dB): These antennas are installed in areas far from the repeater but the signal reaching the site is still a good signal, there are no obstacles or interference with other repeaters. 

High gain or high pickup antennas (more than 17dB): These antennas are specially designed to be installed in areas with poor signal, poor coverage, which usually coincides with areas where several repeaters interfere or where the signal is very degraded due to the distance to the repeater. 

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Tips for buying an outdoor DTT antenna

Undoubtedly the most important element in a television installation is the DTT antenna. The outdoor DTT antenna guarantees the reception of the signals with the highest possible levels and quality. If the appropriate DTT antenna is purchased, savings can be made on other elements such as amplifiers and cabling.

The most important parameter to take into account when buying an outdoor DTT antenna is the gain, since the higher the gain, the more DTT signal power we can capture. It is also important to consider the directivity and shielding of the outdoor digital terrestrial television antenna.

Before buying an outdoor DTT antenna online, it must be taken into account that a television antenna is like a car. There are hundreds of types, models and prices of cars and each one has been designed for a specific activity. A small car designed to drive around the city and park in any space is not the same as an all terrain 4x4 designed for the most complicated roads.

With DTT antennas it is the same, there is a wide variety of digital terrestrial television antennas and we will have to tune a little to not buy an all-terrain vehicle and use it in the city.

The first question we have to ask ourselves is: Where are we going to install the antenna? If we do not have the possibility of mounting the DTT antenna outside our home, we can only install an indoor antenna, satellite DTT system or a device that allows us to watch DTT over the Internet.

If it is not possible to install the antenna outdoors, we invite you to visit the antenna section of our online store DTT indoor housing.

If you have also tried these indoor DTT antennas or you do not have digital terrestrial television coverage with an outdoor DTT antenna, there is only the possibility of installing the satellite DTT system or an Internet DTT system.

Types of outdoor DTT antennas.

In case we can install an outdoor DTT antenna, we need to know some basic parameters that will help us to choose the best antenna.  The first thing to know is that there are different types of outdoor DTT antennas and they are clearly differentiated by the termination.

The best known type is the Yagi type antenna, which is the antenna that is made of several long rods (usually 1, 2 or 3) which are crossed by rods of a significantly smaller size.  In addition, Yagi antennas always have at the rear end 2 large “grills” called reflectors. These are the most common and the ones that are normally installed. Here is a picture of one of the most popular yagi antennas.

Comprá tu Antena Yagi 9 elementos de Eiffel y pagalo en cuotas

There are other types of yagi antennas, with designs a little more extravagant, where the directors have a rhomboidal shape.

Another type of outdoor digital terrestrial television antennas are panel antennas. This type of antenna consists of several dipoles (usually 1 to 4) placed vertically. In addition, these antennas also incorporate a pair of rear reflectors behind the dipoles.

Antena Panel Direccional Triple Polarizacion de 19dBi 5.125-6.1 GHz 3  Conectores N Hembra


The last type of outdoor DTT antennas are the electronic DTT antennas. These antennas are characterized by being much smaller than the previous ones. With a low visual impact, they are yagi antennas manufactured on a printed circuit board.

This type of antennas are always active, so they need power supply. The feeding is always done through the coaxial cable and the feeder is installed inside the house or vehicle, to protect it from humidity.  

Knowing the types of outdoor DTT antennas, we will buy the type that best suits our needs. The prices of yagi antennas are usually cheaper than those of electronic antennas, but electronic antennas, on the other hand, can be installed very discreetly and go unnoticed. Panel antennas are usually not very directive and are used in cases where the signal comes from several directions close to each other.

Parameters of a DTT antenna

Once we have identified the types of outdoor DTT antennas that exist, we need to know the most important basic parameters to differentiate one antenna from another.

The parameters explained below can be extrapolated to any type of telecommunication antenna, even though we are talking about DTT antennas. These parameters are as follows:

  • Frequency: Indicates the frequencies for which the antenna has been designed. In the case of DTT antennas, the UHF channels are usually indicated. For the new LTE compatible antennas the channels will be from 21 to 60.0.
  • Gain: Indicates the maximum gain of the antenna at a given frequency. As this is a maximum parameter, it is used as a commercial parameter. It is also advisable to consult the frequency response.
  • Frequency Response: Indicates the gain of the antenna at each frequency. It is usually indicated in a table or a graph. This diagram also shows the maximum gain. The gain usually increases as the frequency increases until it reaches a point where it starts to decrease.
     Respuesta en Frecuencia
  • Radiation pattern: It is a graph where it shows us the directivity of an antenna. The radiation pattern indicates the gain of the antenna in a 360º plane. Normally the DTT antennas that have more gain are very directional, so you have to aim very well to the repeater. In addition, all antennas have points where you can receive signal from other repeaters without having to be oriented to the repeater.

Diagrama de radiación

  • Front to Back Ratio: Indicates how good an antenna is at rejecting signals coming from the rear. The higher this value is, the less signal enters from the rear of the antenna. This parameter is important when installing an antenna between 2 repeaters aligned at the location of the house.
  • Length: Indicates the length of the antenna when it is mounted. It is a purely mechanical parameter that must be taken into account when mounting the DTT antenna.
  • Wind load: It is the resistance of the antenna to the wind. The lower the resistance, the more the antenna will withstand strong winds. This parameter is taken into account in areas with strong wind.

Which DTT antenna is the most appropriate for my installation?

Finally, once we know all the types and parameters of the DTT antennas, it only remains to know which antenna we should buy.

The first thing to be clear about is the aesthetics of the antenna. If we want an antenna that is camouflaged or on the contrary we do not care to mount a yagi antenna.

The second and most important step is to know if there are coverage problems in the area, in case it is necessary to acquire antennas with a built-in preamplifier, as in the case of the Televes BOSS system.

If the area has poor coverage we advise you to purchase an antenna with the Televes BOSS TECH system, which are designed for areas where reception conditions are difficult.

If the area has a normal coverage we advise you to buy an outdoor DTT antenna between 15 and 17 dB.

Finally if we are in an area with good coverage, any economically priced antenna with 12 dB of gain will be more than enough.