Satellite Linux - Enigma2

Satellite Receivers with Linux and Enigma 2 OS

Receivers with operating systems based on GNU/Linux and Enigma 2. These receivers offer many possibilities for their configuration and the possibility of expanding their functionality. They are simple receivers to use in their basic functions, but very complex if you enter the world of Linux configuration.

The advantages of Linux operating systems is that they give the possibility of modifying it to our liking, counting on a community that improves and optimizes the equipment and guarantees that they will not become obsolete in a short time. The free community has contributed firmware, drivers, channel lists, satellite location tools, and more. All the information can be found in the various forums that exist on this topic.

Lunix Enigma 2 is the most used firmware in decoding, but there are also emulators such as CCCAM, OSCAM, SBOX and MGCAMD among others...