Triple Optical Receiver 1310/1330/1550nm AGC Johansson F Connector
Triple Optical Receiver 1310/1330/1550nm Johansson F Connector
This fiber optic receiver works with triple wavelength, 1310/1330/1550nm, it is used in both medium and large fiber optic systems, such as long distances in buildings, golf courses, villas, etc. Converts 1310/1330/1550nm signal to broadband and terrestrial V/H signal.
It features an optical input of -15 to +4dBm over a frequency range of 40-2400MHz.
We can use this receiver inside homes or in access to optical distribution network buildings, managing to send television signals over long distances. Since for a conventional installation with coaxial cable we cannot send the signal more than 200 meters. In the case of fiber optics we can manage distances of 20Km.
The receiver has great reception quality, 3 radio frequency outputs with 75 ohm F type connectors (female).