Citymax Palace series telephone, allow internal communication between 12 extensions within the same home. With lock release button. The phone has 6 buttons under the arm of the phone.
The phone has an extra-flat line, made of high-impact ABS plastic. Easy to clean, thanks to its mirror polished finish.
It has two call tones: entrance panel call and internal call.
Technical Specifications Video Doorphone CityMax Palace Bus3 8084
The installation inside the house (door phone + internal communication) is only reduced to a 3-wire BUS.
For installations with internal communication, the telephones Ref. 8084 and 8086 will be used with the changer Ref. 88039.
For installations with interior communication and exterior communication (with conventional system entrance panel), Ref. 8084 and 8086 will be used with the changer Ref. 9017.
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