Central Amplifier DTKOM MATV 41/53 dB with remote power supply from Televes
Central Amplifier DTKOM MATV 41/53 dB with Televes remote power supply
The TEL5338 central amplifier has its application as a horizontal MATV line amplifier.
This control unit can feed or be fed continuously through the coaxial cable itself, allowing current to pass through it. The use of quality cable T-100 or higher is recommended in the installation.
It has a variable equalizer at the input, from 0 to 18 dB of equalization for the entire band, as well as a variable attenuator from 0 to 18 dB.
Before putting it into operation, make sure it is correctly configured. From the factory, it is prepared to operate at 196-264 V ~ / 50-60 Hz with the input / output voltage step switches turned OFF.