Smart Locks

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Smart Lock Systems for Doors and Garage Fences

Our smart lock systems are really easy to install.
They integrate advanced technology in home access control, which allows you to lock and unlock the entrance remotely, without the need to use physical keys; Anytime and anywhere. These locks usually have other additional functions, such as checking if the door is locked or sending temporary keys to guest users, family members or tenants, which makes day-to-day organization much easier. 

In this category you will find both home automation and non-home automation smart locks. You can also find classic door locks.

Home Automation Smart Locks

Most smart locks are compatible with home automation.
They integrate with smart domotic systems, voice assistants and native smartphone apps. If you want to access our special section for home automation, with a selection of smart locks 100% compatible with other home systems, and other elements such as lighting, buttons, and much more, access our Home Automation category.

We recommend integrating these smart locks with brands like Fibaro to achieve very complete home automation systems, as they have a good range of quality home automation elements.

For cases in which our priority is security, we recommend looking for compatibility with Ajax, which has Grade 2 certification in security and a wide range of intelligent elements for security and prevention of intrusions and accidents.

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