Ikusi FRD-400 Terrestrial + Satellite Optical Receiver
Terrestrial and Satellite Optical Receiver FRD-400 Ikusi 4914
Equipment to convert 1 SC/APC optical input (1290-1600 nm) to 1 Terrestrial (45-862 MHz) + Satellite (950-2150 MHz) RF output. Optical receiver with high output level (104 dBμV) for large collective distributions, such as community rooms with indoor blocks.
This system allows the distribution of the amplified TV+SAT signal from the headend to each building, crossing long stretches with hardly any losses through a single-mode optical fiber. The receiver adapts the optical signal to RF to distribute it by coaxial cable throughout the building.
Receiver protected in a high-shielded Zamak box, for wall mounting in indoor areas, with provision for grounding.