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Network Switch

There are more and more devices that require a direct connection to the Internet and the network. Computers, game consoles, printers, smart televisions, IP receivers, IP security cameras or IP video intercoms, among others, need to be connected to the network for optimal operation. For this we have the switch, the power strip of the 21st century.

  • What is a switch and what is it for?

The switches or also called switches or network splitters are used mainly to connect various devices or elements to the network.

The most visual way to understand how they work is by comparing them to a power strip or thief. We can plug several devices into a power strip and it will be plugged into the electrical current so that all of them can work. The switch follows the same operation, but instead of being connected to the socket, it is connected to a network outlet or to the router and offers several ports to connect the devices you want.

With the rise of the Smart TV, it is increasingly common to need an input next to the television to connect the television, the game console and perhaps a receiver. In this case, if we did not have a switch, we could only connect one of these three devices. However, if we place a switch we can connect all devices in a simple and comfortable way.

It is also a very useful element in offices and companies. In our TDTprofesional office we have several computers and the printer connected to the network thanks to the 8-port Gigabit Switch of TP-Link, and we only have one unused port, which helps us to test other devices that require Internet.

  • How does a switch work?

The switches are very simple elements that do not need any configuration, they are totally plug & play, you plug it in and it works. We could say that this is one of its main characteristics and at the same time its great virtue.

It is only necessary to connect it to the network in one of its ports and in the rest you can connect the device you want (television, consoles, IP security camera ...). The rest is fully automatic, without the need for any configuration or installation.

  • What switch to buy? How to choose a switch?

When purchasing a switch we have to take into account two factors fundamentally.

- Number of ports

Depending on the number of elements you want to connect, it will be the number of ports you need and therefore your choice will depend on it. It is important to remember that one of the ports will be occupied by the network input, therefore, one less port than the one indicated by the switch must be taken into account.

We have a 5, 8, 16 port switch and up to 24 ports. To adapt to the needs of all users.

- Speed

As for the data transmission speed it will depend on your needs. Usually the most basic switches are enough to offer good navigation.

Those people who require greater speed or stability in the connection, for example, gamers or companies, can opt for a slightly higher speed switch, and therefore, a somewhat higher cost.

  • What are PoE ports?

For some particular cases, you may need a PoE port. The PoE port includes a power supply through the network connection. Therefore, you will not need to plug the element itself to the electrical network, only by plugging it into the PoE port of the switch will you be able to give it the necessary power.

This usually happens in CCTV installations with IP security cameras. These cameras do not connect to the electrical network, but they will need power, for this, they use the network cable itself to do so thanks to this type of ports.

If you are thinking of doing an installation and you have any questions or queries, you can contact us through our email atencionalcliente@tdtprofesional.com and our technicians will advise you in a personalized way.